My sweet girl,
I’m living for you; the beautiful girl who never got the chance to fully live.
I’m trying new things because you weren’t able to.
I appreciate the little things in life because they’re what you’d love to have seen.
I’m trying to be grateful for what I’ve got because that’s how you’ve taught me to be.
I’m looking at the world with fresh eyes, as excited children do because you couldn’t.
I’m embracing nature and all the things you should’ve got the chance to see.
I want to celebrate birthdays and occasions more than before, as you don’t get to earth side.
I’m appreciating my closest relationships since you taught me how quickly things can change.
I’m visiting the places we always go to because those are our happiest times and I want to think of you.
Esme, I’m continuing to live for you the best I can, I hope I’m making you proud 💛.